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COA MIXTURE (Formally COA FS) is a herbal medicine for General Wellbeing, hence you can take it whether you are sick or not. Also, you can take it to SUPPORT treatment of any sickness, disease or infection.


For General Wellbeing; Take 10 mL i.e. One (1) tablespoon of COA MIXTURE into 50 mL i.e. Five (5) tablespoon of warm water Morning & Evening One (1) hour before meals.

To Support Treatment; Take 20 mL i.e. Two (2)  tablespoon of COA MIXTURE into 50 mL i.e. Five (5) tablespoon of warm water Morning & Evening One (1) hour before meals.

WARNING: Children under 12 yrs, breastfeeding and pregnant mothers should consult a physician before using COA MIXTURE.

FRCOA MIXTURE (Formerly COA FS) is a herbal medicine for General Wellbeing, hence you can take it whether you are sick or not. Also, you can take it to SUPPORT treatment of any sickness, disease or infection.A pure ORGANIC medicine which BIOENERGISES, REJUVENATES and HARMONISES the immunological cells.Important Notice:COA MIXTURE (Formerly COA FS) is not meant for cure of HIV… But it is recommended to HIV Patients because it boosts and repairs the immune system which is under attack by the HIV, hence helping the victim to improve CD4 count and ward off a lot of diseases the HIV caused in his/her body.Continuous use of COA MIXTURE (Formally COA FS) together with ARV is very effective in reducing the Viral Burden / Load and improving the CD4 count in the victim’s blood stream.What we have developed (COA 72) is the potential complete cure for HIV. It is able to kill the viruses not only in the blood stream but also those hiding in the tissues of the victim.A research fund has been launched to solicit for funds to support in getting the trials done.You can visit the page below on our website to learn more and contribute your quota. Go to pageEQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ)



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